Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Welcome Back!

I adore reading blogs. I love reading something from someone else's thoughts and finding out what other people are finding interesting or loving at the moment. The same way as many people love reading books which of course I do also but reading blogs is one of my favourite past times.

This brought me to think if other people feel the way I do about blogs then I should give them the chance to read mine and get that same excitement that I get. Over the last few years, my life has got a lot more hectic as I am now in my final year of University! (How did that happen!?) This has resulted in me being a bit lazy towards my blog and in fact just neglecting it.

However I am going to try my best from now on to keep you all updated and give back some of the pleasure I find reading blogs and hopefully some of you will feel the same about mine.

Stay Happy

K x