Recently I've been thinking of how I have changed as a person not just from when I was 16 (8 Years ago! Yikes!) but even in the last year. I wish I could of told myself at 16; " Everything will end up okay". "What you do now won't refine you in your 20s"
Until Recently I have always had a case of FOMO (fear of missing out) . I spent more time on social media looking what other people were doing, how other people looked and just wanting to be someone else. A lot of this is due to social Media. However, I am not here to slate it by any means! I love Mrs Hinch as much as the next! I just wish I had spent more time living my life rather than wishing I was living someone elses.
I now do miss out on things with friends sometimes and see the pictures of them having fun. I don't have FOMO because I decided to stay in and not have the hangover and clean and hang out with my puppy! ( I know, I've Changed!)
So Here it goes.. A letter to 16 year old Katie.
Dear Katie (16),
Being 16 is a blessing. You are young, care free, you live at home with a loving Mother and you don't have to clean or do washing! Enjoy it! You don't have to pay rent, pay for bills, pay a mortgage. You get to learn 5 days a week! Anything you learn now will only help you in the future. Soak up every bit of knowledge you can.
Eat that cake! You are not fat! Your bod shape is just different to your friends, I know you don't believe me as you are 16 but it is puppy fat! Don't diet, eat healthy but don't diet. Spend time with your friends. Not boys! Realistically who ever the boy is you will not even know him in a few years time, your friends however, they are for life.
Stop looking through Instagram, Tumbler, Pintrest and what you think is an 'ideal body' go spend time with your Nan and Granddad, you will wish you did when you are in your 20s.
Don't drink alcohol! There is plenty of time for that at university. Don't waste your time drinking lambrini and making bad decisions. be fresh, healthy and active. Save your money for things you wont have money for later; clothes, Cinema, Ice-cream.
And finally spend as much time as possible with your family. I know you think you hate them and they are out to get you but they aren't. They love you and you will miss them so much when you move out or they aren't with you anymore.
Enjoy Being 16.
KK (24)