Monday, 20 February 2017

Facing My Fears

One of my main resolutions for this year is to do more of what scares me. My anxiety gets the better of me far too often and then it restricts me from getting the most out of my life. This year I told myself I'm going to say yes more and I am going to do more of what scares me and it is one of the best decisions I have made!

My main thing is I get too comfortable with the same things so it means i'm too scared to leave that comfort zone. One of my fears was driving, I passed when I was 18 after 4 tests and a year and a half of lessons every week! As you can tell I wasn't a natural. I then went to university so didn't need to drive until I moved back home summer 2016. I got a promotion at my job, which meant I had to move stores to one that was 11 miles away, and I had to go on the motorway!! I drove with no music, clammy palms, shaking from the anxiety but now I love driving! I am currently on a course in Bedford which was an 103 mile journey and I did it with ease and actually enjoyed it. Doing that small step of taking a job further away from home has helped my anxieties of driving and also opened up so many doors as I can now drive to places that I probably just wouldn't have gone to before!

Another thing that scared me at the start of the year that I have already concurred is talking on the phone. I don't know why it scared me, surely it should be easier than talking to someone face-to-face as they can't actually see you but I just couldn't do it. I couldn't even order a take away! Now with my promotion I have to answer the phone a lot and I feel so much better for being able to do it. It makes my life a lot better as I can just ring people for help if I need it, and it saves the time as you don't have to text or email and it has made me confident as a person.

I suggest that everyone should do something that scares them everyday or even every week as it feels great and I feel like I have already accomplished so much this year and it's only Feb!!

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