Tuesday 15 January 2019

What to do when you are feeling down

We all get down no matter how good things are in our lives something can always change that mood. Sometimes you may not know what it is that is making you feel like this. You may think you have a great partner, family and job yet still feel down. This is the most important part of making yourself feel better, actually getting to the route of the problem.

I LOVE making lists, no matter what it is for I will make a list. I make a list before tidying, I make a list of things to do at the weekend, for my day agendas at work and so on. When I feel down I make a list of all the things it could possible be for example;

  • ·         Family- Is everyone well and healthy and are we all getting on
  • ·         Partner- Are you happy in your relationship , are you seeing each other enough, are you being intimate
  • ·      Job- Do you enjoy your job, if you do why? This alone could cheer you up or if you don’t why don’t you? Can you change something at work or do you need to find a new job
  • Friends/social life- are you seeing your friend’s enough? This is a major one for me I get so caught up with work and my partner and puppy that I think I haven’t actually seen any friends in months! Just having some time with the girls to chat and laugh can make such a big difference!

Once you have found the route to your unhappiness the next step is simple- just fix it! If you don’t like your job apply for a new one! A lot of people including myself have said before they don’t like their job then when I have asked are you looking for new ones the response is no.  It was the same with myself in retail, I hated working every weekend and bank holiday and missed out on so much yet didn’t even look for a new job.  Things don’t fix themselves , you are in control of your own happiness.

If you’re not happy, Fix it !